A groundbreaking new Product Neutral skin care modality utilizing verified NANO technology with innovative protocols to achieve the highest level of cosmetic facial results, without the pain and invasiveness of other medical treatments. The Rezenerate Chip will create millions of microscopic channels in the top most layers of the stratum corneum, thereby making it ultra absorbent for product and extremely receptive. Once skin is conditioned, topically applied serums will absorb 7-10 times more effectively than unconditioned skin into the epidermis and travel to the problem areas. Products efficacy will be boosted substantially and results greatly accelerated. Whether your facial is targeting blemishes, fine lines, uneven skin tone, oily skin or dry skin, etc. Rezenerate will give you the short and long-term improvements you are seeking. 

This is an add-on service. Please select a facial of your choice first. Add the Rezenerate to any facial treatment. You’ll be glad you did!

75 minute facial    $125